The concept of "diet" has caused a lot of harm in the world of nutrition. How to eat healthy? That question should not be solved with a strict diet, but by learning a series of habits and becoming aware of our daily routine. It is no secret that improving our eating habits helps prevent many diseases and makes us feel better on a daily basis.
The best tips for eating healthy without restrictions or stress
Beyond the choice of foods, eating well also means eating under good conditions, regularly, slowly, and calmly. So, how can you achieve better nutrition? Here are our five tips for maintaining a balanced diet in an easy and sustainable way.
1. Don't obsess over short-term goals
There's a well-known saying: don't try to run before you can walk. Habits should be implemented gradually, with time and consistency, and you should not make the mistake of going too fast. Set short-term goals, and above all, approach the process as a learning experience rather than an obligation.
2. Cook your own food (as much as possible)
We know that today's routine often prevents us from spending all the time we'd like at home. But as much as possible, it's very positive to cook our own meals, as this makes us more aware of the ingredients we should use. If your time is limited during the week, we recommend checking out this article on batch cooking that will help you prepare all your meals for the week in one day.
3. Avoid additives and artificial ingredients
This advice goes hand in hand with the previous one: the more you cook at home, the less you'll rely on these ingredients, as they are mainly found in ultra-processed foods. Eating healthy is easier than it seems! At EOS, we make it easy for you: you can replace the sugar in your recipes with date paste, a 100% natural ingredient, and if you have a sweet craving, you can always have a toast with our healthy nut butters.
4. Avoid going shopping when you're hungry
Have you ever noticed the difference between going shopping when you're full versus when you're hungry? It may seem trivial, but when we're hungry, we're much more "vulnerable" to consuming products considered hyper-palatable: with excessive sugar or refined fats.
5. Consume fresh and seasonal products
This final tip not only aims to take care of your health but also the planet's. Seasonal and locally sourced products are not only much more delicious than imported ones, but they also have a smaller environmental impact.
Did you find these tips helpful? Visit the other posts on our blog to discover many more interesting facts about nutrition. Also, take a look at all our healthy recipes, both sweet and savory! And if you don't want to miss anything, follow us on social media!